Moral Commentary

I am disheartened of America’s support of communities like LBGTQ who wish to impose their rights on society. If people who choose to live that life style want to do so I agree they must be allowed to do so. Allow me to live as a Christian.

My problem is the disparaging treatment given to the Christian community when it comments that the Bible speaks against such lifestyles. The Bible does not say God does not love people who belong to the LGBT community. The Bible does say homosexuals will not inherit the “Kingdom of God”.

I served in the United States Army, so that Americans can have the right to live life as they choose, whether that be the alternative lifestyle of the LGBTQ community or following the values established by the Christian or any other religious bodies.

I afford you the right to express your preferences, so do not challenge me saying I am static not willing to yield to what you feel is right. I too have the right to my opinion even when it conflicts with yours. What makes you right and me wrong?

America is following the path of the Romans Empire as it is allowing the values of Christianity to be smothered, that opposing values may take precedence. This gives way to a decay of strength of society. Roman decadence was its downfall.

I write this because I saw what was said about a football quarterback being reprimanded for posting on a Christian site which is recognized as opposing the gay lifestyle. Sad to say, people cannot stand behind their Christian beliefs without fear of reprisal here in AMERICA. If the LGBTQ community has the right to express itself. The Christian community should be afforded the same right without fear of retaliation.

One Comment

  1. Karen Victor

    An “opinion” can be truth or false, Christ is Truth not one’s opinion on the other hand, Homosexuality is a choice based on an “opinion” that God made one that way is not based on truth….so how can the two be the same scenario to compare?

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