For Women

1 Peter 1:15  But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do    1 Peter 1:15

Have you ever got home from a hard day at work and all you want is peace and quiet? You go to your quiet place and here comes, the children, the husband, the dogs, or cat, wanting more of you.  At this point you may become irritated or, upset. You may even say some harsh words that causes conflict in the house. Now you’re upset and miserable; they’re upset and miserable and everyone is disgruntled, when all you wanted was peace.

Guess what? You walked into your home with the wrong mindset. I know, you are thinking how is it my fault? The problem is your goal wasn’t a peaceful spirit and a peaceful home. The real goal should have been to be more Holy, always willing and ready to display the love of Christ. Our goal as the matriarch of our families is to have a peaceful spirit and a heart of peace when we enter our homes.

Our families follow our lead and if you are loud, combative, and irritated, so will everyone around you. However, if you are loving, kind, and peaceful, so will everyone else. Keep this scripture in mind at all times, “Be Holy in all you do” Apply this text to your life goal. Don’t lose sight of your true goal, which is to become more like Him, by displaying Gods love to others, especially, those in your household. When you do that, you will be blessed beyond measure. I am not saying your life will always be filled with fun times and beautiful circumstances. What I am saying is, your life will be filled with the Beauty of Christ because you are called to be…So Be!

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